Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Potty-Training... need I say more : (

Ok... so I know that the title is a little dramatic, but those of you who have children know EXACTLY what I mean. I decided while Ed was gone that I was going to have Elijah completely potty trained before he gets back. So on January 12th our journey began. Much to my surprise, it was a PLEASANT start. We spent two full days at home completely devoted to training(with NO accidents). Then I got cabin fever and decided to brave a quick trip to the store. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! I will leave out all the colorful ajectives that went through my mind and just say that he pooped his pants... twice... in a 20 minute timeframe. I cleaned him up and calmly reminded him that we use the Big Boy potty and we do NOT go potty in our pants. So I got a "yes ma'am" and an "ok...sure mommy" and we went home.

So I will spare the details of the next 2 accident free days and jump ahead to Saturday. All week I had been telling Elijah " If you use the big boy potty all week, we will ride the ferris wheel on Saturday", and he has been really excited. Then came the dreaded automatic flush incident. He had just sat down and was getting ready to pee(so he could ride the ferris wheel), when the flusher went off prematurely. He jumped and he cried and he threw a competely hysterical fit...that time as well as everytime I put him on the toilet for the next two days. FUN!!! We are now kind of getting back to normal.

So in reading this I hope you take away two things:

1. When you potty train...STAY HOME!!!!!

2. Bring a post-it to cover the automatic flush or all hell will break loose.

Please Pray that the rest of our training is uneventful and trauma free. : )

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